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Quiz: What's your heart health personality?

Article written by Dr Meg Arroll

Date published 26 August 2020

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The Heart Health Personality predicts how well we look after our most vital organ, and can give us important clues as to how we can improve our health and wellbeing. This quiz will help you discover your own Heart Health Personality and find tailored, practical heart health tips that are suited to you.

The quiz consists of 10 questions with three options – if you don't feel an option is exactly you, please choose the one that's closest. Initial gut reactions are usually best, so don't spend too long on each answer. Be as honest as possible, remembering there is no judgement here, just helpful hints and advice.

Once you've finished, tally up your answers then find out more about your Heart Health Personality below.

The Quiz

1. Have you ever been diagnosed with heart health problems?

2. When it comes to exercise...

3. If someone says or does something that upsets you, do you...?

4. If you've been prescribed medications, do you...?

5. Would you say your diet is…?

6. With life's stresses, strains and worries, do you...?

7. When it comes to heart health information given by your doctor or the NHS, would you say you follow the advice...?

8. When it comes to outlook, would you say you're...?

9. Do you think heart health supplements are...?

10. Regarding your long-term overall health, do you believe...?

The results: did you answer mostly A, B or C?

Swimmer cheering


Heart Health Champion

You're already engaged in many heart-supportive behaviours such as attending check-ups, keeping yourself active, eating well and managing stress.

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Crowds cheering


Heart Health Cheerleader

You're absolutely amazing at looking after and cheering on everyone else, but sometimes your own health takes a back seat.

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Woman in the crowd clapping


Heart Health Spectator

You are more of an observer than a participant when it comes to health: not unaware of health advice, but the long road of life has left you feeling a little sidelined.

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About Dr Meg Arroll

Dr Meg Arroll PhD CPsychol AFBPsS is a chartered psychologist, scientist and academic researcher with a specialist focus on health and stress, integrative medicine and wellbeing.

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